360dialog - Notice history

All systems operational

360dialog Infrastructure

360dialog WhatsApp Business API - Operational

WhatsApp Business API Number Setup - Operational

360dialog Client Hub - Operational

360dialog Partner Hub - Operational

Partner API - Operational

Partner Webhooks - Operational

Marketing Automation - Operational

360dialog Payments System - Operational

360dialog Sandbox - Operational

Meta Infrastructure


WhatsApp On-Premise API (Message Delivery) - Operational

WhatsApp Cloud API (Message Delivery) - Operational

WhatsApp Business Account Management (Meta Business Manager) - Operational

Embedded Signup - Operational

Notice history

Apr 2024

Major disruptions to Cloud API messaging
  • Resolved

    Meta has released a fixed for the issue that is impacting message delivery on Cloud API:

    The fix for the major disruption impacting message delivery on Cloud API has been deployed and this issue is now mitigated as of April 11th 4:30AM GMT. Thank you for your patience.

  • Investigating
    Meta is Investigating an issue that is impacting message delivery on Cloud API: https://metastatus.com/whatsapp-business-api We are currently waiting on the META engineering team to provide more updates.
Wrong payload error while Intergrated Onboarding
  • Resolved

    The engineering team confirmed that the issue has been fully resolved and the integrated onboarding working as expected.

  • Investigating

    We are receiving reports that the Integrated Onboarding process is returning the "Wrong payload" error.

    Our engineers are working on the fix.

    UPD. While the issue is being fixed, please use the Number Onboarding from our Client Hub directly:

Some disruptions to Cloud and On-Premise API messaging
  • Resolved

    The issue is now resolved.

  • Monitoring

    META has updated the incident and now the issue is resolved for Cloud API, we will monitor its performance in the meantime.

    The disruption remains for On-premise integrations and we are still expecting more details from the META engineering team: https://metastatus.com/whatsapp-business-api

  • Identified

    Meta has identified an issue that is currently disrupting messaging for Cloud and On-Premise numbers: https://metastatus.com/whatsapp-business-api

    We are currently waiting on the META engineering team to provide more updates

Mar 2024

Reports of messages & notifications not arriving for Cloud API numbers
  • Resolved

    The issue is now resolved.


    Post Mortem:

    Issue description and impact:

    On 14.03.2024 at ~16:30 we received reports from some Cloud API customers that messages and status webhooks were not arriving.

    Cause of the issue:

    We identified the cause of the issue as a recent deployment of a new Meta feature (phone number webhook) that was not working as described.

    Mitigation Steps / Summary:

    We rolled back the deployment reverting all numbers to a functioning state. This rollback was completed by ~18:40

    Prevention of recurrence & suggestions:

    We have completed an internal review with the relevant teams and

    made changes / improvements to how we test and deploy new features from Meta.

  • Monitoring
    A mitigation to restore functionality has been deployed. We are continuing to monitor the situation.
  • Identified
    Our engineering team have identified the issue and work is in progress to mitigate it. Note: the issue only affects a small % of Cloud API numbers that are currently using '/waba_webhook' (webhook per WABA) to receive inbound notifications.
  • Investigating
    We are currently investigating reports about messages & notification delivery issues on Cloud API. Our engineering team is currently investigating it. We do not currently have a resolution ETA but we'll update again as soon as possible.
Major disruption at Meta affecting multiple services
  • Resolved
    Meta have recovered from the outage earlier today. Cloud API services, Local Storage & WABA Management services have all been restored.
  • Identified
    Meta are recovering from an earlier outage affecting various Meta services and also the ability to send message using Cloud API. Services are in the process of being restored.
  • Investigating

    We are continuing to monitor the situation at Meta. You can subscribe for status updates on the Meta Status Page directly: https://metastatus.com/

  • Investigating
    Meta are currently experiencing a major disruption impacting various WhatsApp services. You can find the details on their status page.

Feb 2024

Issues with Chat Support
  • Resolved

    The issue is resolved.

  • Investigating

    We are aware of an issue affecting our Chat Support service. An incident was reported by our third party chat support provider.
    They are investigating the issue. In the meantime, if you require support, please create a ticket via the 360dialog Hub.

Feb 2024 to Apr 2024
