360dialog - Notice history

All systems operational


360dialog WhatsApp Business API - Operational

WhatsApp Business API Number Setup - Operational

360dialog Client Hub - Operational

360dialog Partner Hub - Operational

Partner API - Operational

Partner Webhooks - Operational

Marketing Automation - Operational

360dialog Payments System - Operational

360dialog Sandbox - Operational


WhatsApp On-Premise API (Message Delivery) - Operational

WhatsApp Cloud API (Message Delivery) - Operational

WhatsApp Business Account Management (Meta Business Manager) - Operational

Embedded Signup - Operational

Notice history

Nov 2024

Meta incident - Interactive Messages on Cloud API
  • Resolved

    The issue with Interactive Messages on Cloud API is now resolved.

  • Update

    Meta's Engineering team are still working on a fix for the disruption impacting the delivery of Interactive Messages with empty text in header or footer, to iOS devices on WhatsApp Cloud API.

    Another update will be provided as more information becomes available.

  • Update

    Meta's Engineering team are still working on a fix for the disruption impacting the delivery of Interactive Messages with empty text in header or footer, to iOS devices on WhatsApp Cloud API.

    Another update will be provided as more information becomes available.

  • Update

    Meta is still experiencing a disruption impacting the delivery of Interactive Messages with empty text in the header or footer to iOS devices on the WhatsApp Cloud API. Meta's engineering teams have identified the cause of the issue and are working on a fix. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

  • Identified

    Meta is currently experiencing a disruption affecting the delivery of Interactive Messages with empty text in the header or footer to iOS devices on the WhatsApp Cloud API. Meta's engineering teams have identified the cause of the issue and are working on a fix. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

    Thanks for your Patience!

  • Investigating

    Meta is currently experiencing some disruption impacting the delivery of Interactive Messages with empty text in header or footer, to iOS devices on WhatsApp Cloud API. This issue started at September 1st, 2024. Meta engineering teams are investigating the issue.

    We are monitoring the situation closely and waiting on Meta.

    Please refer to Meta's Status Page and subscribe for updates.

Oct 2024

Some disruptions to Embedded Signup
  • Resolved

    Meta has resolved the issue, and the Embedded Signup feature is now fully restored. We will continue to monitor the system to ensure stability and are available for any further assistance if needed.

  • Monitoring

    Meta resolved the issue and expects the Embedded Signup to be fully restored within a couple of hours. We are monitoring this and we’ll provide updates as soon as we have more details.

  • Identified

    Meta identified the issue and updated their status page as well: https://metastatus.com/whatsapp-business-api

    They are working on resolving this issue. We’ll provide updates as soon as we have more details.

  • Update

    Our team is still working with Meta Support Team to resolve the Embedded Signup issue, which currently prevents new number registrations. We’ll provide updates as soon as we have more details.

  • Update

    Our team is still working with Meta Support Team to resolve the Embedded Signup issue, which currently prevents new number registrations. Meta is actively investigating, and we’ll provide updates as soon as we have more details. Thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    Meta's Support team is aware of the issue and is investigating it. At this time, new numbers cannot be registered via the Embedded Signup flow. We will provide another update as soon as possible.

  • Investigating

    We are aware of an issue affecting number registration through Embedded Signup. Users may encounter a white screen after completing OTP verification. This issue has been escalated to Meta Direct Support. While we do not have an estimated time for resolution at this time, we will provide updates as soon as possible.

Some disruptions to hosting type change
  • Resolved

    The issue is now resolved.

  • Update

    We are currently in the testing phase of our latest deployment, focusing on ensuring that the OTP verification status is correctly handled for the affected channels during on-premise to cloud API migrations. Once testing is complete and we successfully deploy the changes in the hub, we will provide you with an update.
    Thank you for your continued patience as we work to resolve this incident. If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team if you have any immediate concerns.

  • Update

    We are still working on releasing the product update in response to recent changes from Meta.

    For any concerns, please reach out to our customer support team. We appreciate your patience and we will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

  • Update

    Please note that, as previously mentioned, we are preparing a product update in response to recent changes from Meta, scheduled for release on Monday, October 21, 2024. Our engineering team is focused on implementing a solution.

    For any concerns, please reach out to our customer support team. We appreciate your patience and we will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

  • Update

    We have prepared a product change in response to the changes on the Meta side. We plan to release these changes on Monday 21.10.2024. In the meantime, in case of any issues, please contact our customer support.

  • Update

    We are still actively working with our engineering team to find a solution for the recent changes related to OTP verification during on-premise to cloud API migrations. We will provide new updates as soon as we have more details.

  • Update

    We are continuing to work closely with our engineering team to address the recent changes affecting OTP verification during on-premise to cloud API migrations.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. We will provide new updates as soon as we have more details to share. Please continue to check our status page for the latest information regarding this issue.

  • Update

    We are still actively working with our engineering team to find a solution for the recent changes related to OTP verification during on-premise to cloud API migrations. We will provide new updates as soon as we have more details.

  • Update

    We´re still working on a way to better handle this new change on our side.

  • Update

    Meta has identified and resolved a security issue on their side. This update, which was implemented without public announcement, has affected on-premise to cloud API migrations, requiring OTP (One-Time Password) verification.

    We are currently working on implementing a solution within our product allowing OTP verification to be handled seamlessly during migrations. This will ensure that the transition process continues without disruption.

    We will regularly post updates on our status page regarding this issue.

  • Identified

    We are currently experiencing issues related to recent changes implemented by Meta, specifically affecting hosting type changes from On-premise to Cloud API. This issue has been escalated to Meta Direct Support. Standard migrations from other BSPs to 360dialog are not affected.

    We will regularly post updates on our status page regarding this issue.

Some templates could not be submitted
  • Resolved

    The issue is now resolved.

  • Update

    The engineering team is still working on the issue.

    We'll provide further updates as soon as possible.

  • Update

    We’re still working on the fix. Our engineering team is continuing to make progress on resolving the issue. We will provide further updates as soon as we have more information.

    Thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    We´re still working on the fix.

  • Update

    We are continuing to work on this problem.

    We expect to release the fix on 10.10.2024 during the day.

  • Update

    We are continuing to work on this problem.

    We expect to release the fix on 10.10.2024 during the day.

  • Update

    The engineering team is still working on the issue and making progress toward a fix. We'll provide further updates as soon as possible.

  • Identified

    The development team has identified the issue and they´re working on a fix.

  • Investigating

    We are aware of an issue that is impacting our template creation process.

    360dialog API returns the following response in this case:

    "developer_message":"Template could not be submitted. Error. ","http_code":400,"success":false

    We observed that these errors usually appear for templates that use non Latin characters – like templates with Cyrillic or Arabic letters. One of the potential ways to solve this is to shorten the text in the template or remove one or two cards from carousel template.

    Our engineering team is currently investigating it.

    We do not currently have a resolution ETA but we'll update again as soon as possible.

Sep 2024

Application request limit reached
  • Resolved

    Meta have applied an exception to our app.
    (The exception was incorrectly applied on Fri 27/09/24 but the issue was fixed by Meta's engineering team). We do not expect the issue to re-occur.

    360dialog - Root Cause Analysis 

    Issue description and impact:

    On 12th Sept 2024  ~14:45 utc+1, waba management operations were blocked: 

    • Template creation

    • Template syncing

    • Number registration

    • WABA profile management

    • Migrations

    • Onboarding

    • Channel updates

    Cause of the issue:

    The issue arose due to Meta setting the rate limit for one of our applications too low. This threshold, controlled and enforced at the application level by Meta, led to a disruption in our service. This happened because 360dialog has significantly more active WABAs than any other BSP and Meta has failed to apply proper limits according to our strong growth. While we strive to maintain optimal performance, the constraints set by Meta directly impacted the functionality of our application in this instance.

    Mitigation Steps:

    Sept 12, 14:45 - Issue started

    Sept 13, 07:46 - Issue escalated to Meta

    Sept 13, 15:20 - Attempted fix

    No response from Meta

    Sept 14, 13:32 - Initiated workaround

    Sept 14, 15:40 - App unblocked. Issue mitigated temporarily.

    Sept 16, 06:51 - Issue re-occurs

    Sept 16, 13:30 - Meta provides support that results in root cause diagnosis

    Sept 16, 14:46 - Issue mitigated temporarily

    Sept 25, 12:55 - Issue re-occurred

    Sept 27, 13:30 - Workaround measure deployed

    Sept 27, 15:10 - Issue mitigated temporarily

    Sept 27, 17:00 - Meta confirm they applied an exception to our app

    Sept 30, 14:23 - Issue reoccurs

    Sept 30, 16:53 - Meta confirmed the exception was not applied correctly on their side but they fixed it. 

    Issue Resolved

    Prevention of recurrence & suggestions:

    We have obtained an adequate rate limit again and are working with Meta on a process to increase our limit accordingly to our growth in the future. Additionally we have completed an internal review with relevant teams & stakeholders and we’re working on adjusting our system architecture to accommodate Meta’s app rate limiting practices. 

    Separately, Meta is conducting a thorough investigation to understand where the escalation process failed and how they can improve it, particularly during weekends. 

  • Monitoring

    Template message creation and profile photo upload functionality has been restored.

    We are continuing to monitor the situation with Meta support.

  • Identified

    We are aware that the issue is re-occurring and is affecting some WABA operations including:

    • Profile photo upload

    • Template message creation with header_handle and/or header_url

    We are in contact with Meta about the issue and the case is escalated with their relevant stakeholders.

    We will provide another update in 4 hours or sooner if we have a significant development.

  • Update

    Template message creation and profile photo upload functionality has been restored.

    We are continuing to monitor the situation with Meta support.

  • Update

    We are continuing to work with Meta Engineering team on this issue.

    The below actions are still affected:

    • Cloud API profile photo upload

    • Template message creation with header_handle and/or header_url

    We will provide another update regards the status.

  • Update

    Our Engineering team is still working on a fix to make the below actions available:

    • Cloud API profile photo upload

    • Template message creation with header_handle and/or header_url

    We will provide another update regards the status.

  • Update

    We are continuing to work on the below as this actions are still affected:

    • Cloud API profile photo upload

    • Template message creation with header_handle and/or header_url

    We will share another update when this is resolved.

  • Monitoring

    The majority of functionality has been restored to normal.

    However, the below actions are still affected and we are working to restore full functionality

    • Cloud API profile photo upload

    • Template message creation with header_handle and/or header_url

    We will share another update when this is resolved.

  • Update

    We are continuing to work on this problem, and do not currently have an ETA for restoration of all functionality.

  • Investigating

    Our communication channel with META have reached the limit of incorrect requests. In this case 360dialog Hub or our API will produce errors for the following actions:

    - editing or submitting templates
    - migrations
    - onboarding
    - flows
    - hosting type change

    You can use Meta Business Manager as a workaround for creating and submitting templates.

    Messaging functionality is performing normally.

    We are continuing to work on this problem.

Application request limit reached
  • Resolved

    The issue has been mitigated with no re-occurrence since 14:48 GMT+1 on 16/09/24.
    We will attach an RCA here we have completed a full investigation with Meta.

  • Update

    Affected partner users are unblocked. The issue is resolved.

    We will provide an RCA here in due course when we complete a review of the incident with Meta.

  • Monitoring

    API requests should no longer receive rate limit errors.
    WABA management operations have been restored.
    We are currently restoring access to partner user accounts that were temporarily blocked.

  • Update

    To safeguard overall system performance, we were required to take immediate action and temporarily block some Partner User accounts from which high volume of API requests being made. We will unblock the affected accounts as soon as possible when we validate that the traffic as authentic.

  • Update

    Our engineering and support teams are continuing to work on resolving this issue.
    In the meantime, we recommend using Meta Business Manager to manage templates and WABA profiles.

    We appreciate your patience during this time, and we will continue to provide updates as soon as we have more relevant information.

  • Update

    Our engineering team is actively working on resolving this issue, and we remain in constant communication with Meta Support to expedite a solution. While we do not yet have an estimated time for resolution, please know that we are doing everything possible to address the situation swiftly.

    This issue is impacting several key features, including migrations, onboarding, templates, flows, hosting type change, and profile information. As a temporary measure, we will be disabling the sync worker for templates to help mitigate these challenges.

    In the meantime, we recommend using Meta Business Manager as a workaround for creating and submitting templates. Additionally, we advise refraining from performing migrations, onboarding, and template-related actions using the 36dialog Hub or API for now. This will help prevent the limit from being reached immediately once the issue is resolved and ensure a smoother experience when the systems are fully operational again.

    We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding during this time, and we will continue to provide updates as soon as we have more information.

  • Update

    There is also a rate limit for editing and submitting templates or making API calls.

    Initiating more requests will result in more errors.

    If you receive errors while submitting the template or receive HTTP 400 response from API call, try lowering the number of requests.

  • Update

    Editing or submitting templates from the HUB and API still produce errors. This applies both to partner and client accounts. We are continuing to work on this problem.

  • Identified

    We are aware of an issue impacting some activities on the 360dialog Hub and API. Our engineering team is currently investigating it. We do not currently have a resolution ETA but we'll update again as soon as possible.

Sep 2024 to Nov 2024
