Experimentando un rendimiento parcialmente degradado

Issue with Template Creation

Interrupción menor
Iniciado el hace casi 2 años Duró 3 días


360dialog Infrastructure
Centro de socios de 360dialog
  • Resuelto

    The issue around template creation and submission has been resolved.

  • Identificado

    Upon the team's investigations we've identified the issue in an API rate limiting applied towards 360dialog from Meta. Our infrastructure has received high loads on the Partner API endpoint for creating message templates, which can not be propagated through Meta's systems, and is therefore getting blocked.

    We've applied some temporary changes in how we interact with Meta's infrastructure and continue to monitor the issue.

    New templates can still be submitted via the WhatsApp API, and will be synced to the 360 Client and Partner Hubs afterwards. View WhatsApp API endpoint documentation on docs.360dialog.com

  • Investigando

    We are aware of an issue that is impacting the Template Creation Process. Our engineering team is currently investigating it and we'll update again as soon as possible.